a zoo in hell


Link Update 7.17.11

Not much on my radar the last week or so, and the stuff that did catch my eye was pretty random.

Matthew Cheney compares some old timey and Dylan recordings to Brian Francis Slattery's novel Liberation: Being the Adventures of the Slick Six After the Collapse of the United States of America

Horror Fiction Review has a review of local author Roy C. Booth's latest offering Diaphonus.

I've not listened to it yet, but here's a podcast recording of a HWA panel on the "State of Horror". The panelists are Don D'Auria, Ellen Datlow, Rocky Wood, and Norman Prentiss.

Shimmer magazine has a blog written by Eric De Carlo that pretty well clarifies the difference between a good idea and a good story.

In another example of mainstream running into the fringe tributaries, or at least drawing more water from them, The Last Werewolf is getting some good press by book snobs of all stripes. Not sure if this is a good thing.

A hometown author takes a look at Bela Lugosi through a creative non-fiction lens.

Pretty cool news; Lansdale and IDW are teaming up to bring some horror classics to graphic novels.